Wednesday, August 25, 2010

School Days

Grant has been in school almost a week now, and is really enjoying it. He is excited to go to school each day (hope that lasts until graduation), and he even likes riding the bus. It is a lot quieter around here without him - and easier in some ways. Grant has always demanded a lot of my attention, but with him at school I feel like I have more attention to give to all the other children. But even when I try to give Christian my attention, there are many times when he just wants to do his own thing. He does not like playing with his Mommy in the same way that Grant does. Justin, however, is more than happy to take up Christian's share of my attention as well. There are lots of times when he will go off and play by himself, but it isn't long before he is back at my side clinging to my leg and keeping me captive. He can walk now, but mostly he chooses not to. He is too smart and lazy. He knows that if he holds onto my leg long enough that I will have to pick him up in order to be able to move myself!

I had my first night of classes last night (and I already have homework). Everything went well. Actually I loved my "Law, Ethics, and Education" class. Our first assignment in class was to make a short presentation about why we were looking at going into Education. I was so inspired, and even volunteered to go first on my first night of class in front of an instructor who I didn't even know! Thoughts and words just came to me that I didn't even know were there, and I got goosebumps as I spoke - just as I often do as a result of spiritual feelings. All my previous doubts about pursuing my teaching certificate were wiped away, and I knew I was exactly where I am supposed to be. I was worried about how I could fit in my student teaching when the time comes, but now I feel relaxed about my decision, and I believe a way will be provided for me to accomplish this goal.


  1. I'm so excited for you! It feels so good to know that you are in the right place. You'll do awesome!

  2. Andi I am so happy for you!!! I know that God will make a way for you. I am glad you have your answer. If I can help in any way...please just holler...
