Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 Months Gone in a Flash

It seems every time I think I have enough time to sit down and add to our blog, a baby or a child wakes up and needs to be changed or fed or played with or snuggled. But somewhere in the midst of changing, feeding, burping, and rocking Justin, he turned into a really fun (and really cute) 2-month old. Yesterday he had his 2-month well check and immunizations. He was such a good boy for the doctor, and he is as healthy as he can be. He checked in at 23.5 inches long and 12 pounds, 12 ounces...up 3 inches and 5 pounds since his birth. He seems so big that I was surprised to hear that his weight is only 50th percentile. He is already outgrowing many of his 0-3 month clothes, but he also seems to have outgrown his colicky phase (fingers crossed that it's not just temporary). He is a much happier baby these last couple weeks. He's still not sleeping great at night, but 3 to 4 hours at a time sure beats the 1 or 2 hour stretches he was sleeping.

Justin's starting to stir. It will soon be feeding time once again. I'd better wrap this up and make sure it will save to our blog. I attempted to publish this same blog yesterday, but got an error message and couldn't even save what I had written. So frustrating because I just don't feel like I have any time to waste right now...and that was time wasted. I'll close with some pictures of Justin from the last 2 to 3 weeks.


  1. So cute! Thanks for taking the time to post it again. He is such a doll.

  2. Wow look at that nice strong assymetic tonic neck reflex!!! That is so beautiful and totally age appropriate! Love ya all miss ya too give that baby a squeeze for me.
