Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to School

Sometimes it doesn't take much to make me feel like an inadequate mother.  Grant's first day of school was Thursday.  I made sure he was well rested, well fed, well dressed, well supplied with pencils, crayons, kleenex, hand sanitizer, etc.  We arrived at the school with plenty of time to spare...only to find that all the other mothers were taking pictures of their children on their first day of the new school year, but did I have a camera with me?  No - on this one I failed.  I don't have pictures of his first day of kindergarten from last year either.  Maybe I will do better with Christian and Justin.  There are some benefits to being a second or third child.

Christian wants to be in school so badly.  He was completely convinced that he was going to get to go to school as soon as he turned five, when he finally learned and understood this week that it was going to be an entire year before he could start school, he was very disappointed.  I told him we would have school time at home each day that Grant was in school.  He liked that idea.  I haven't pushed formal learning times with Christian because he is so scary smart already.  But with "school" each day he will feel like he is helping me practice to become a teacher.

Speaking of teaching, I start classes again tomorrow.  I've so enjoyed my month-long break, and I'm not looking forward to having class every night (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday...might as well be every night anyway).  Oh well.  There's no denying it is what I am supposed to be doing, and my children are not neglected in the process.  Brian is a huge help with the children when I am in school.  We are getting through it together.
Happy New School Year!


  1. Ellinor's going to face the "wait-a-year-to-start" school when she gets there too, since she's a fall birthday . . . it's good that Christian's excited about learning, tho! and by going to school yourself you're setting such a good example that school is for everyone! :)

  2. Does Columbia still do the Pre-school program through the high schools? We did that in Raytown for Kaitlyn and it was perfect. It was only a couple hours a day, 3 days a week. She loved it.
