Friday, April 2, 2010

Late Bloomer

I'm certain I won't have much time to of the seven sleeping children is bound to wake up soon, but I'll just take advantage of the quiet while I have it.

Here it is April already. March actually turned out to be quite a busy month for us. Justin had a 9-month checkup, Grant had an eye exam, dental exam, and medical exam/immunizations to get all ready for Summer Enrichment Preschool this summer and Kindergarten this Fall. His kindergarten registration was also in March, so he got to see his school and meet the two kindergarten teachers (we won't find out which one will be his teacher until this summer).

Everyone had another cold in March, just to make sure winter didn't go away without us going through at least 3 more boxes of kleenex. The illness was short-lived for everyone except Brian, and Justin's runny nose kept hanging around and making him kind of miserable. We all seem back to good health now though. This beautiful weather is certainly helping.

Justin turned 10 months yesterday. He is double digits now! He is 29.5 inches long (85th percentile) and 21 pounds (50th percentile). He still has no teeth and still is not crawling, but his checkup was good and he is excelling verbally. He already says lots of words with meaning, and he is really showing his personality to us now. He loves to be played with, especially by his brothers. He is very social and will cry if he is left alone in a room. He also cries if I take him into the bathroom without giving him a bath. He LOVES baths. I think he's cuter than ever, and other people are constantly telling me how cute he is, so it must be true. I would post pictures, but they are all still on the camera. Brian made some changes to the computer and the old way of transferring pics to the computer doesn't work, and I haven't figured out the other way yet...but as soon as I do, there will be pictures. We did have family portraits taken in March, and most of you who read this blog will be getting copies of those pictures if you haven't already received them.

Have a Happy Easter, everyone.


  1. Sounds like a big guy! A.J. didn't get his first tooth until the day he turned 10 months. I can't wait to get some pictures! The boys are really excited to hang out with your boys this summer. Not much longer now!

  2. GROWING UP TOO FAST!!!! glad you got them all to sleep at the same time so you could blog!!! love hearing from you. we can't wait for Tybee vacation!!! see you soon.
